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Wednesday, May 7, 2014
A foolish crow and A sly Jackal.

A foolish crow and A sly Jackal.

Once there was a foolish crow. One day it stole a piece of meat and flew to a distant place and finally sat on a branch of a tree. A sly fox noticed it and hit upon a plan to eat the piece of meat. Finally he asked the crow to sing a song with its beautiful voice. 

The foolish crow at first did not want to sing but the clever fox said,‘‘If you start singing, most of the animals of the forest will come to listen and you will be famous’’. Hearing the praising word the foolish crow started singing. When the crow opened its beak the piece of meat fell down. The sly fox at once took the piece of meat and went away hastily. The foolish crow could not do anything.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Nobody can live alone

Nobody can live alone

Long ago, a young man found life in a family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealously, enmity – all were part of everyday life there. So he left his house and went to a jungle to live himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. ‘‘Ah, how happy I am here!” said the man to himself. 

But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowboy. The cowboy needed food. So he took a waif to cook meals. Then children were born to them. The man found himself again in a family.

So nobody can live alone, unless they are either angels or devils. People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. If they live in a family or community, their need can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
value of co-operation

value of co-operation

Once in a fine afternoon two farmers were working in their field. The farmers were very happy looking at plenty of crops grown in that year. When they were talking to each other, suddenly they experienced an awesome incident.

They were struck dump.They noticed pests eating away their crops.They ran from one corner of their field to the other corner. To their horror, they found pests on all the ears of their crops. They were jubilant thinking that they would get bumper crops that year. But all their hopes were shattered. Extreme despair brought tears into their eyes. They sat at a corner of their field and were lamenting their ill-fate. 

At that moment the headmaster of the local school was passing by their field. He noticed the two farmers in despair. He went to them and asked, why do you look so unhappy and what has happened? The farmers said, "We’ve lost everything". The pests are eating away our crops. The headmaster hurried to the field and examined the pests. Then he said to the farmers, "don’t worry, you can save your crops from the pests. Come with me".

The headmaster took them to the local agriculture officer. The farmers told him what had happened to their crops. The officer assured them that he would help them to save their crops from the pests. The next day the officer visited their field. He identified the pests and give them some pesticides to be used in their field. The farmers used the pesticides in their field for several days and then their crops were free from the attack of pests. This brought smile on their face again. They thanked the headmaster and the agriculture officer. 

From this incident they learned the lesson that they should always seek advice of agriculture officer regarding the cultivation of crops.
The courage and intelligence of a small boy

The courage and intelligence of a small boy

Once an old man was walking by the riverside.In course of walking,he suddenly fell to the ground and then rolled down to water.The old man was not in a position to rescue himself. At that moment,a little boy was bathing nearly in the river.The little was saw this incident and started shouting. A passer-by was going by the river but he was not responding to the shouting of the boy. Most probably the man was deaf. However,the boy continued shouting and he was at a loss what to do.

He suddenly found a piece of banana tree floating near him. He jumped and clasped the tree.Then he swam to the man and helped him catch the banana tree.Then they two somehow managed to reach the shore.Their exciting and fearful sound drew the attention of another two passers-by who happened to walk through the road by the river.

They came forward to help them.They all together took the old man to his house.All the members of his family appreciated the little boy highly
Dress does not make a man great

Dress does not make a man great

Sheikh saadi

Sheikh saadi was a great poet in Arab. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a noble man. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man. The people of that house did not deal well with the poet. Rather they showed disrespect and dishonor to him. The poet left the nobleman’s house in an utter dismay.

A few days later, he went there again putting on a gorgeous dress. This time e was duly respected and honored by the people of the rich man’s hourse.They give him rich food to eat.
The poet did not eat the food but he began to put the food in his pocket. Seeing it, the rich man was astonished. He asked the poet about his mysterious behavior. Then the poet said, this food is for my dress but not for me.

 Had it not been so, I would have been treated in the same manner when I was very poorly dressed. The rich man was really sorry for this. He begged apology for his previous behavior.

So the moral of this story is "Dress does not make a man great".
Nabila's Dream

Nabila's Dream

Nabila was a daughter of a poor father in Bangladesh. After she had passed SSC (Secondary school certificate) examination, her father wanted to marry her off. But she was not in the intention to marry.

She became worried about   getting married and having children. Her father through that educating a daughter is a waste of time and money. Nabila used to worry about lessons and tests but now she is more worried about her marriage. She used to dream to be a doctor but she became anxious thinking of a life of household chores and bringing up children. She decided to consult the matter with shahana begum, a neighbor and a college teacher. Nabila told everything to her.

Shahana begum became sympathetic and consoled nabila. She went to nabila’s house and tried her best to persuade nabila’s father. She took the responsibility of nabila’s education. She also highlighted the bad effects of early marriage as well as gender discrimination.

Finally nabila’s father understood the matter and decided to change his decision. Thus nabila became successful and got herself admitted into the college under supervision and co-operation of shahana begum. She tried her best and made a good result in the HSC (Higher school certificate) examination.

She had a strong desire to materialize her dream. She started taking preparation for the medical college. Then she got herself admitted into Dhaka medical college. She took a part time job and managed to bear the education expense. Thus she advanced on the way of materializing her dream. 

Real photo of nabila

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